New classes/events at Quilt 4 U
Upcoming events at Quilt 4 U so you can mark your calendar if you are interested in attending any of the events:
March 29/30 - Beginning sewing for age 10+ - see website under "classes" for details.
April 13 - Club members - reminder 8:00 a.m.
April 20 - Embroidery monthly club - Roll-up pouch (will be on website soon)
May 3/4 - Serger event with Linda Bratten Baby Lock Educator (will be on calendar soon)
May 18 - Embroidery Monthly Club (will be on website soon) - Paisley in Bloom Belt Bag
May 27 & June 1 - Beginning sewing for age 10+ (will be on website soon) making a purse
June 15 - Embroidery Monthly Club - Tic-Tac-Toe Cinch Bag
July 20 - Embroidery Monthly Club - Blossom Pin Cushion